(Please note that times are approximate.)
Join online meeting; Or join by phone: 1-719-359-4580; Webinar ID: 837 4974 9221
I. (6:00) Call to Order and Roll Call
II. (6:03) Approval of the Minutes
III. (6:05) Public Comment for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (sign up to speak)
IV. (6:15) Matters from the Board
- A. Trustee questions on Written Information items (10 min)
V. (6:25) Matters from the Department
- A. Update on The Chapman Drive Trailhead Renovation Project (15 min)
B. Funded Research Program Update (40 min)
C. Update on Wildfire Resilience Implementation Plan (40 min)
D. Update on OSMP’s Planning and Design Program Area: Future
Planning Projects on the Horizon (45 min)
E. Director Verbal Updates (5 min)
VI. (8:50) Adjourn
Written Information:
- A. Open Space & Mountain Parks Comprehensive Fee Study Results
B. Trailhead Renovation Status and Bike Rack Implementation Update