Share your priorities for Baseline Road!

This project will create safer conditions for walking, bicycling and driving on Baseline Road while improving connections to popular community destinations. Join the open house to view and provide feedback on the conceptual design for the project's second phase!

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In-Person Baseline Road Open House 08/19/2024 18:00 08/19/2024 16:00 America/Denver <p class="address" translate="no"><span class="address-line1">Boulder Public Library District - Meadows Library </span><br> <span class="address-line2">4800 Baseline Rd</span><br> <span class="locality">Boulder</span>, <span class="administrative-area">CO</span> <span class="postal-code">80303</span><br> <span class="country">United States</span></p> MM/DD/YYYY CONFIRMED OPAQUE

Community priorities to inform the final design for comprehensive infrastructure improvements

We have developed conceptual designs for the second phase of the Baseline Road Transportation Safety Project to make travel safer for everyone on Baseline Road from 30th Street to Foothills Parkway.

We invite you to view and provide feedback on the conceptual design. You can view and provide feedback on the recommendation in person, or online following the in-person open house on Aug. 19. By participating in the open house, you can provide input on future improvements and learn about the project, previous community input, completed and future work on Baseline Road, and how earlier improvements to the street will inform the next phase.

Baseline Road is one of the top ten crash locations in the city for people walking and bicycling. Preliminary designs include completing the tall-curb protected bike lanes installed during first-phase work in 2023, better crossings for people walking and biking, “floating” bus stops to provide safer separation of bikes and buses, protected intersection improvements, improved signal timing, and improved visibility, wayfinding and access for all, especially at intersections.

More information will be available at the open houses. Learn more on the project webpage or sign up for updates on the Transportation & Mobility Department monthly newsletter.