Fire hydrant meter assembly permit holders and bulk water usage from the City of Boulder is subject to the following conditions and restrictions. Violations of the permit or Boulder Revised Code (B.R.C.) may result in permit revocation, loss of privilege to obtain bulk water from the City’s water system, loss of deposit, and additional penalties.
Completed applications must be submitted to the City of Boulder for processing. Email at least 24 hours in advance to schedule an appointment.
- The permit holder shall pay a deposit of $3,600.00 per hydrant meter, refundable if the meter is returned in substantially the same condition of its issue within six months, and the permit holder has complied with all terms, conditions, and restrictions of the permit. Deposit is required at time of application. Payment will be accepted by check only.
- Deposit will be returned with any costs for damages deducted. The value of unreturned items will be deducted from the deposit at the actual replacement cost plus 15%. Failure to return any or all of the permit-related items may result in fines in addition to the deposit forfeiture. The permit holder understands that the hydrant assembly and its appurtenances remain the property of the City of Boulder.
- Unpaid invoices will be deducted from the deposit.
- If invoices go unpaid for more than 60 days, the city may reclaim the meter and revoke the right-of way permit.
- Payment for City of Boulder bulk water will be made timely and in compliance with all City requirements for water service charges.
- The hydrant meter fee for 2025 is $11.00 per 1,000 gallons of water used (not including service charges). Please note that fees are updated annually, and the current fee requirement is available at Subsection 4-20-25(c), B.R.C. 1981.
- Water will be sold in 1,000-gallon increments at the current established rate of $11.00/1,000 gallons.
- Quantities less than 1,000 gallons will be charged the minimum 1,000-gallon amount.
- There is a monthly fee for water service at the current 2025 rate of $204.47 per city code (4-20-25, B.R.C.).
- These fees are specific to hydrant meters, available at Section 4-20-25, B.R.C. 1981, and will be billed through a monthly bill from City of Boulder regardless of the amount of water used.
- If permit holder does not hold a current Right of Way or Contractor’s license, City meter techs must set up and remove the hydrant meter. Service fees apply as follows per Section 4-20-24, B.R.C. 1981:
- Installation/reset (d) – $67.00,
- Removal (c) - $81.00.
- All service fees, as well as an estimated use fee, will be paid upfront before service is provided. Customers will be billed the difference following service.
- Permit holder will be billed on a monthly basis, or upon permit expiration, for the amount of water used as determined from user self-reported call-in readings required under the permit or automatically billed based on AMR system.
- Payment for invoiced water shall be due upon receipt. Acceptable forms of payment are check, ACH, debit card, or credit card.
Term of Permit
- The fire hydrant meter permit will be active and effective for one year from the date of issuance.
- The hydrant meter must be returned for inspection and calibration every 6 months to 5050 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO.
- The permit holder may apply for a permit renewal within 90 days before the expiration date.
Conditions and Restrictions
- The permit holder may access only the hydrants listed on the permit.
- The permit holder must maintain a working, approved, permanently-installed “air gap” or approved backflow prevention device on all hydrant meters listed in the permit.
- The permit holder shall not modify the configuration of the issued meter, including the provided cart, unless approved by the Utility Superintendent and noted on the permit.
- The permit holder shall make the permit and meter assembly available for inspection upon the request of the City.
- Hydrant metered bulk water service may be discontinued at any time, for any length of time, based on supply and demand of water to City of Boulder utility customers, or for any other reason deemed
necessary by the City in its sole discretion. - For the use of hydrant metered water, the permit holder shall not:
- Use, sell, or otherwise supply bulk water obtained from the City for oil or gas extraction. (Section 11-5-59, B.R.C. 1981);
- Use, sell, or otherwise supply bulk water obtained from the City for use above the Blue Line. (Boulder City Charter Sec. 128A);
- Use, sell, or otherwise supply bulk water obtained from the City for use by commercial food preparers, or in violation of any city, county, or state health requirements; and
- Use, sell, or otherwise supply bulk water obtained from the City for marijuana-related uses, including but not limited to, grow operations, irrigation, or cultivation that would otherwise be able to use city tap water.
- The permit holder shall comply with all applicable requirements and restrictions of Chapter 11-1, B.R.C.
1981, and all other applicable requirements in City, state, or federal laws.
- The City is not responsible for the quality of water beyond point of delivery.
- The permit holder is responsible for any claims, amounts, and/or damages to, including loss or theft of, the hydrant meter and its appurtenances (valves, wrenches, hoses, water lines) relating to the use of the permit, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the City from such claims, amounts, or damages.
- The permit holder releases the City of Boulder and all of its agents from all liability for any injury which might be inflicted on third persons or property related to use of the permit.