Community invited to “fall in love with your commute” at free events supporting active travel

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Boulder invites the community to Winter Bike & Walk Week from Feb. 9-15, a celebration of walking and biking with free local events featuring food and camaraderie. All ages are welcome to celebrate by taking their bikes out for a ride or with a stroll around town. Pledge to ride for a chance to win prizes and to help the region measure the impact of biking and walking.

The community can join events hosted by local organizations to celebrate and support winter commuting, including:

“With sunny days all year round, Boulder's a great place to bicycle in the winter,” said City of Boulder Senior Transportation Planner Ericka Amador. “We invite everyone to enjoy the week and the beautiful place with live by taking a ride or walking outside, whether you plan to commute or just want to be part of the fun.”

“It’s always so much fun to join up with a few hundred friends for a cheerful, free breakfast on the way to work,” said Community Cycles Executive Director Sue Prant. “This year — with Winter Bike to Work Day falling on Valentine’s Day — we are extra excited to celebrate Boulder’s love for bicycling!”

Winter Bike to Work Day is a statewide celebration hosted by Way to Go, a commuting program of the Denver Regional Council of Governments. The City of Boulder, Boulder Chamber Transportation Connections, Boulder County and Community Cycles partner to bring this signature community event to Boulder, including over 30 free breakfast stations in the county hosted by local companies and organizations in Boulder, Longmont, Superior, Niwot and Louisville. The event supports the City of Boulder’s Transportation Master Plan and Boulder County’s Transportation Master Plan goals.