Once you are registered and have been linked to your existing active permit, you have the ability to add additional contacts to your permits in CSS. As long as your additional contacts have already created a new CSS account, you have the ability to connect them to the permit yourself. Some examples of additional contacts could be a homeowner, subcontractors, general contractors, project managers, etc. The steps in CSS are as follows:
- Open permit in CSS portal
- Under “Active” permits
- Open permit
- Click the permit number
- This will open the permit with a row of tabs
- Click on “contacts”
- Add contact
- Select contact type in the drop down labeled “Add Contact As” (See “How do I know which “contact type” to use when adding contacts to a record?” for more questions.
- Search by “Last name” or “Company name” or “Email” (you can also add frequent contacts to “My Favorites” by clicking the blue star, then you will see that contact in “My Favorites” without needing to search.)
- Click Add
- Save
- Refresh
The instructions are the same for a development review (PLAN) case, except there is a "plan number" instead of a "permit number" and the selection of contact types that you can add will vary.