Make an effective transition from the classroom to the professional world. We've designed our internship program to give students the opportunity to gain practical experience under professional leadership.
Comprehensive, inclusive classes and training options are available to help you achieve your optimal health and well-being.
Classes & Programs
Featured Drop-in Class: Body Sculpt
Health and Wellness Internships
- Community Health and Wellness Internship
- Exercise Science and Health Promotions Internship
Students will make an effective transition from the classroom to the professional world. We've designed our program to give students the opportunity to explore the broad field of community health and wellness within a parks and recreation department. Interns can select a fitness/mind body or health promotions emphasis, or do a blended internship choosing from our many program areas. Projects and mentors will be assigned to fit the career path of each intern.
Health Promotion
Interns studying health promotion will find a wide range of projects within the Well-Being@Work employee wellness program and within our community programs. Interns will be mentored by our entire staff including our employee wellness manager, our fitness/mind body and weight training program coordinator and the health and wellness supervisor. Well-Being@Work is a WELCOA award winner and an American Heart Association worksite achievement award recipient. Positions available: Year round
Exercise Science
Interns can choose to focus their experience in exercise programming for all populations within a community setting. Experiences and projects can include Pilates, yoga, weight training, sports specific training, personal training, health coaching, nutrition, special events and instruction of classes. Our programs follow the American College of Sports Medicine and Exercise is Medicine guidelines.
Positions available: Year-round.
Kate Houlik, Program Supervisor
Phone: 303-413-7280 Email:
A link to the application will be posted here soon.