Trailhead Description

Chapman Drive Trailhead accesses the 2.6 mile Chapman Drive Trail that ascends from the trailhead in Boulder Canyon to Realization Point.


No facilities.

Picnic Facilities

No facilities.


About 4 miles up Boulder Canyon at 38471 Boulder Canyon Drive.


The trailhead parking lot is located about 4 miles up Boulder Canyon on the east side of the road. The lot is unpaved and has 15 standard parking spaces.

Area Info

Bike Regulations

Bicycles are allowed on Chapman Drive Trail. Other bike trails on OSMP.


Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes are allowed on Chapman Drive. Learn more in the Guide to Electric Bikes on Open Space.

Dog Regulations

Chapman Drive Area Dog Regulations Map

Learn about bringing your dog to OSMP. Chapman Drive Trail is leash-required up to its intersection with Tenderfoot Trail, between that intersection and Realization Point, voice and sight control is allowed. Dog excrement removal is required by law.

Horse Regulations

Allowed on Chapman Drive Trail. Off-trail riding is discouraged to protect rare plants and wildlife habitat. Learn more about riding your horse on OSMP.


Mountain lions inhabit this area. Coyotes, foxes, mule deer and raptors are commonly sighted.

Connecting Trails

Trailhead trails

Connecting Trails

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