Here are the stories that make “Scotty” a community:
Aqua Fitters
Spend a morning or an afternoon chatting with aqua fitness participants, aka “Aqua Fitters” and you’ll sense that something special is happening in the pool. Every Wednesday, guests travel to Boulder from all over to join the Aqua Fitness class.
“For me this has been a life changer,” said one participant. “I began taking these classes at the beginning of summer and I feel stronger. There just isn’t anything like it anywhere else I’ve been.”
Swim instructors
What makes Boulder Parks and Recreation classes different? Ask anyone in a class and they are quick to credit the instructors.
Wednesday morning instructor Nonie Rand incorporates a playlist of 80s, 90s and modern hip hop hits into her workouts and ends each with a dance. “Classes are high-energy and fun,” said one participant. “I love it!”
Afternoon instructor Anitta Frant makes exercising so much fun that some of her participants make it a family affair and bring their teenagers to join in. “I like the activities and exercises,” said one teen. “And I get to spend time with my mom.”
Crystal blue waters
Scott Carpenter’s amenities are not lost on our guests either. From the crystal blue waters of the deep pool to the brisk current of the lazy river, class participants describe the new Scott Carpenter Pool as an oasis right in the middle of the city. Here are what visitors are saying and the pool and staff:
“This doesn’t feel like a pool. It’s a resort!”
“This pool really has everything you would want. I simply love everything about it!”
“From the front desk to the lifeguards, everyone is so polite. I not only feel safe, but also cared for. The staff here is truly amazing!”
Wanting more
When staff asked community members what we could do better, the answer was simple and unanimous: more! As summer comes to a close, so do outdoor swim classes.
While they will miss the sun-kissed days at Scott Carpenter, the Aqua Fitters will continue their friendship, and classes, indoors at the East Boulder Community Center.
In the words of several of these active adults, “It’s not a class, it’s a community!”