Work begins Monday, Nov. 15
Work to install curb-separated bike lanes on Folsom Street from Pine Street to Valmont Road will begin Monday, Nov. 15, at 8 a.m. The bike lanes will be separated from vehicular travel lanes by a curb, which will provide a higher level of protection for bicyclists while maintaining vehicle access to streets, driveways and alleys.
The installation of the separated bike lanes will take approximately two weeks and travelers should expect temporary, single-lane closures of bike and vehicular lanes during this time. Flaggers will be on-site directing traffic and speed limit reductions will be in place.
The city’s Low-Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan identified Folsom Street as a high-priority corridor for constructing separated bike lanes due to the street’s 30 mph speed limit; high level of average daily traffic; history of bicycle-related crashes, particularly at the intersection of Folsom and Pine streets; and feedback from community members that expressed a need for safer, more comfortable bicycle facilities. The Low-Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan aims to create safer, more comfortable and lower-traffic stress bicycle and pedestrian travel routes throughout the city.
The bicycle facility improvements are being made as part of the city’s Pavement Management Program – Mobility Enhancements initiative, which combines annual pavement resurfacing work with bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements to help the city make progress toward its Vision Zero goal of zero deaths, zero serious injuries on our streets. The section of Folsom receiving the curb-separated bike lane received pavement resurfacing work this summer.
Current construction and travel impacts can be found on Cone Zones: