The design standards are being updated to better align with current best practices and the city’s vision for a multimodal, connected transportation system.
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The city is currently updating several design standards that govern how transportation infrastructure is designed and constructed in the public right-of-way.
You can provide your feedback on the draft changes on the project webpage through April 24, 2022. The draft standards currently being presented for review have been refined based on a first round of public feedback in Fall 2021.
City staff will also host virtual office hours on the following dates. The office hours are open to the public to ask questions regarding the transportation design standards update. The Zoom meeting information will be posted on the project webpage closer to the meetings.
How are these standards used?
Private entities that build or operate public utility and transportation infrastructure in the public right-of-way in Boulder must follow these standards.
Residents and other property owners would also have to follow the new sight triangle standards when doing certain site improvements on their property, such as replacing fencing or landscaping or when considering a new structure adjacent to the public right-of-way or public access easement.
City staff also follow these standards for capital improvements projects.
The transportation design standards are being updated to better align with current best practices and the city’s vision for a multimodal, connected transportation system, as reflected in the city's Transportation Master Plan and Low-Stress Walk and Bike Network Plan.
The updates to the standards and regulations are part of a larger, multi-year effort to update the city’s the transportation design standards, including the Design and Construction Standards (DCS) and Boulder Revised Code (BRC). The updated standards will be presented for approval by City Council in Fall 2022.
Learn more about the project at
More information about the city’s Design and Construction Standards can be found at