City of Boulder leaders Mike Giansanti, Sarah Huntley and Sandra Llanes were recently honored for excellence in local government service.
City of Boulder leaders Mike Giansanti, Sarah Huntley and Sandra Llanes were recently honored for excellence in local government service.
Giansanti and Huntley have been named among the “Top Influencers in Local Government” in 2021 by Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL). Llanes received the Metro City Attorneys Association Outstanding Deputy City Attorney Award.
Llanes was honored for her performance over the last year and accomplishments during the ongoing pandemic. The award is given to deputy city attorneys who demonstrate high professionalism, perform under pressure with high ethical standards, display advanced intergovernmental diplomacy and overcome challenges.
Giansanti, Innovation and Technology Department deputy director, was recognized by ELGL for having an “incredible vision not only for what technology can do, but also for the impact it can have on local government.” He was honored for his leadership of a variety of major initiatives, including work to bring on a new customer relationship management platform, implementation of Workday and the city’s first data warehouse.
Huntley, Communication and Engagement Department director, was recognized by ELGL for “leading an organizational culture change toward transparent and inclusive public engagement.” She was honored for her work to elevate underrepresented voices in local government decision-making, active involvement in the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) and role in leading high-profile communication and engagement initiatives.
For more information and a complete list of influencers recognized by ELGL, visit the ELGL website.