On July 27, Parks and Recreation Department (BPR) staff presented the latest information on their Master Plan Update to City Council.
As staff are wrapping up the Needs Assessment phase of the Plan, they discussed their findings regarding community engagement and research, and asked Council for policy guidance.
One of the key takeaways from the phase of engagement was for the city to “take care of what we have.” At the City Council meeting, Council unanimously supported the idea that BPR should maintain existing park and recreation facilities, only investing in new facilities when additional funding becomes available.
Boulder community members helped craft the 2014 Master Plan that is the foundation for the work BPR does for the community. Since that time, BPR has accomplished many of the Master Plan initiatives, which were organized by community-driven master plan key themes. These have carried forward with the Plan update and include:
Community Health and Wellness
Taking Care of What We Have
Financial Sustainability
Building Community and Relationships
Youth Engagement and Activity
View an overview of the current state, key themes and trends of the Plan.
The Plan update process is helping the department by guiding day-to-day programs, parks, and facility operations; providing more equitable recreational access to community members; and maintaining financial sustainability and resilience.
The Plan will shift to the Implementation phase soon with a draft Plan by the end of this year. The Plan will guide department funding and initiatives for the next five to seven years.
Visit the project webpage later this month to see a summary of the Council presentation.