Department services
10 Essential Tips to Enjoy and Protect Boulder Open Space and Parks
2013 Floods: Rebuilding Boulder Open Space
Biking on OSMP
Climate Change and Open Space
Climbing on OSMP
Court-ordered Community Service
Dogs on OSMP
Drone Use
El Programa de Junior Rangers
Equestrians on OSMP
Families and OSMP
Film or Photography Permit Application
Firewood Program
Fishing on OSMP
Gardening with Native Plants
Indigenous Peoples Day
Junior Ranger Program
Land Acquisition and Real Estate Services Program
Nature Hikes and Programs
New Zealand Mudsnails
Off Trail Permits
OSMP Agriculture Program
OSMP and the Arts
OSMP Closures
OSMP Commercial Use Permits
OSMP Funded Research Program
OSMP Parking Permits and Fees
OSMP Ranger Naturalists
OSMP Research Permits
OSMP Special Use Permits
OSMP Trails Challenge
Park-to-Park Shuttle
Plan Your Visit to OSMP
Prairie Dog Conservation and Management
Prescribed Burning
Request a Program with OSMP
Schools and Youth Groups on OSMP
Senderos de Boulder
Shelter Rentals
The Magical Lives of Trees Virtual Field Trip
Tribal Consultation
Visitors Experiencing Disabilities
Voice and Sight Program
Volunteer with OSMP